








發(fā)布:2024-02-06 瀏覽:0


Industrial robots are mainly composed of three basic parts: the main body, driving system, and control system.

主體 - 即機(jī)座和執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu),包括臂部、腕部和手部,有的機(jī)器人還有行走機(jī)構(gòu)。大多數(shù)工業(yè)機(jī)器人有3-6個(gè)運(yùn)動(dòng)自由度,其中腕部通常有1-3個(gè)運(yùn)動(dòng)自由度。

The main body, namely the base and actuator, includes the arms, wrists, and hands, and some robots also have walking mechanisms. Most industrial robots have 3-6 degrees of freedom of motion, with the wrist typically having 1-3 degrees of freedom of motion.

驅(qū)動(dòng)系統(tǒng) - 包括動(dòng)力裝置和傳動(dòng)機(jī)構(gòu),核心為減速器以及伺服電機(jī),用以使執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)產(chǎn)生相應(yīng)的動(dòng)作。

Drive system - including power device and transmission mechanism, with a reducer and servo motor as the core, to generate corresponding actions for the actuator.

控制系統(tǒng) - 是按照輸入的程序?qū)︱?qū)動(dòng)系統(tǒng)和執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)發(fā)出指令信號(hào),并進(jìn)行控制。

Control system - It sends command signals to the driving system and executing mechanism according to the input program and controls them.


Classification of industrial robots


There is no unified international standard for the classification of industrial robots, which can be divided by load weight, control method, degree of freedom, structure, application field, etc.


Classified by structural form as follows.


Classified by application as follows.


Industrial robot industry chain


The industrial robot industry chain is mainly composed of robot component production enterprises, robot body production enterprises, agents, system integrators, and end users. Ontology is the core of the robotics industry chain. Typically, ontology enterprises design ontologies, write software, purchase and sell them to system integrators through agents, who directly target end customers. Some ontology enterprises and agents also work as system integrators.

從企業(yè)來(lái)看,ABB、發(fā)那科、庫(kù)卡和安川電機(jī)這四家企業(yè)是工業(yè)機(jī)器人的四大家族,成為世界主要的工業(yè)機(jī)器人供貨商,占據(jù)世界約 50% 的市場(chǎng)份額。

From the perspective of enterprises, ABB, Fanuc, Kuka, and Yaskawa Electric are the four major families of industrial robots, becoming the world's major suppliers of industrial robots and occupying about 50% of the world's market share.



Working Principles of Industrial Robots


The working principle of robots is a relatively complex problem. Simply put, the principle of robots is to mimic various human body movements, thinking patterns, and control decision-making abilities. From a control perspective, robots can achieve this goal in the following four ways.


"Teaching and reproducing" method: It teaches the mechanical arm how to move through two methods: "teaching box" or "human hand handle". The controller remembers the teaching process, and then the robot repeats the teaching action in a cycle according to the memory, such as a spraying robot.


Programmable control method: The staff prepares a control program based on the robot's work task and motion trajectory in advance, and then inputs the control program to the robot's controller. Starting the control program, the robot completes the actions specified in the program step by step. If the task changes, it is very flexible and convenient to modify or rewrite the control program. Most industrial robots work in the first two ways.


"Remote control" method: A person uses a wired or wireless remote control to control a robot to complete a task in a location that is difficult for people to reach or dangerous. Such as riot prevention and rescue robots, military robots, and robots working in environments with nuclear radiation and chemical pollution.


Autonomous control method: It is the most advanced and complex control method in robot control, which requires robots to have the ability to recognize the environment and make autonomous decisions in complex and unstructured environments, that is, to have certain intelligent behaviors of humans.


Taking a six axis vertical multi joint robot as an example (as shown in the figure below), the robot controller and its control system can achieve S-axis rotation, L-axis lower arm tilt, U-axis upper arm tilt, R-axis arm lateral swing, B-axis wrist pitch, and T-axis wrist rotation, achieving the operation and coordination of six axes.


The above article is shared by Shandong Xuanye Robot Technology Co., Ltd. Industrial Robotics. For more content, please follow us: http://.
